Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Warm Vs Cool

My sis went for a grooming class sponsored by her company. After the class, she gave me a few tips on color matching.

Did you know that our skin tone are either compatible with warm colors or cool colors?

So, what are warm colors and what are cool colors?

Warm colors can be orange, yellow, peach, brown, yellowish green etc.
Cool colors can be blue, blue-ish green, purple, pink, blue-based red etc.

Here's a picture to illustrate more of warm and cool colors.

White, black and gray colors are neutral colors.

So, if you are a cool color person, cool colors complement you well. If you are a warm color person, warm colors complement you well. However, if you are a cool color person but matched with warm colors, you don't stand out with those colors. Same goes with warm color person with cool colors. Unless you are neutral person, which means any colors will complement you well.

How do we know which color group we belong to? Here is a link to know which group you are.

Or you can base on your senses to judge whether pink or orange color suits your skin tone. If pink suits you more, then you belong to cool color group. If orange color suits you more, you belong to warm color group.

When you match clothes, do not match both clothes with warm. Must be one warm and the other cool to complement each other or you can choose to match with neutral colors. If both are warm colors, then you are too warm in color, which is abit over-doing it.

All this while, I've thought myself as cool color group, which is wrong!!! I'm more suitable of warm colors. No wonder I wear silver accessories, it wasn't flattering at all. Now all my wardrobes have a number of cool colors clothes, which doesn't complement with me lah... No wonder my attire wasn't flattering at all lah...

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I think I'm being jinxed. AHhhhhhhh!
Yesterday night, while walking back and walking down staircase, I sprained my ankle. :(
I saw the two steps as one step and gave a wrong estimation of the distance. Sent the wrong estimation to my brain and telling my foot to step the wrong estimation of distance, resulting in spraining my ankle... luckily I didn't fully fall down that will hurt my backside.
sigh... I guess I'm being a jinx. Recent happenings wasn't good to me. sighz....

anyway, last weekend went back home to attend my friend's wedding. Seems like I wasn't the one who is still enjoying being single. haha... but went back really met up old time friends and know their recent happenings. Some of the old classmates going to get married... so fast lor.. we are still young leh...

also, I listened one good advise over the weekend. Next time, don't go too serious into relationship, just take it as casual dating. If too serious, will get hurt. I'm still losing my faith in relationship and still abit sad. I dunno what's wrong with me. Hopeless lah...

Totally a jinx!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Insensitive by Jann Arden

How do you cool your lips
After a summer’s kiss
How do you rid the sweat
After the body bliss
How do you turn your eyes
From the romantic glare
How do you block the sound
Of a voice you’d know anywhere

Oh, I really should have known
By the time you drove me home
By the vagueness in your eyes
Your casual good-byes
By the chill in your embrace
The expression on your face
That told me
Maybe You might have some advice to give
On how to be

How do you numb your skin
After the warmest touch
How do you slow your blood
After the body rush
How do you free your soul
After you’ve found a friend
How do you teach your heart
It’s a crime to fall in love again

Oh, you probably won’t remember me
It’s probably ancient history
I’m one of the chosen few
Who went ahead and fell for you
I’m out of hope, I’m out of touch
I fell too fast, I feel too much
I thought that you might have
Some advice to give on how to be

I really should have known
By the time you drove me home
By the vagueness in your eyes
Your casual good-byes
By the chill in your embrace
The expression on your face
That told me
Maybe You might have some advice to give
On how to be

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Sick of Getting Sick

I'm sick of getting sick.
Year 2008 was not a good year for me. I have been sick on and off. Getting diarrhea, gastric flu, flu, fever, cough, cold, backaches, headaches. etc etc etc.
Just so sick of getting sick.
Why do I get sick so easily?
Was it because I don't have enough of exercise?
Was it because the stress that I'm having right now?
Was it because of my research work, that I used to sit in the lab for hours and hours without moving around?
Was it what has happened to me lately, my mood was down?
Or was it because I was getting older and older?
Seems like my energy was not as hyper as last time.
Maybe it's a sign of old age. Going to hit a quarter century life. Gosh! I'm so old.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Saturday Hang Out @ The Central

Spent the whole saturday afternoon at Clarke Quay The Central.

Met my usual buddies for lunch there. One of the buddies recommended the expensive Japanese ramen, which was really like Maggi Mee. Haha. But the taste was not bad, the soup was thick with lots of ingredient mixed to get the taste. I tried Aka Ramen which they stated have 7 nuts mixture in the soup. But it was really expensive for a bowl of noodles. It costs $15 for a bowl.

After the lunch, we went for shopping there. One of the buddies had costume party that evening and looking for some accessories. The shops there doesn't seem to have lots of business, especially when it was a saturday. And some of the shops were not fully occupied as well. It's like last time Berjaya Times Square shopping mall in KL. Anyway, most of us bought something for ourselves. Hehe... I bought a few pairs of earrings, dangling ones. It was cheap, $1.60 per pair. Bought in bulks are cheaper, especially sharing with friends.

After that, we hang out at TCC for some coffee break. Had Oreo Mocha Frappe (can't remember the full name, but the name definitely starts with Oreo and ends with Frappe. haha) with vanilla ice-cream topping. Shared a few cakes with friends. Marble cheesecake was my favorite. We also ordered Devil's Chocolate and Green Tea cake. Had some talk with friends 'coz they curious about the drama that happened to me lately. Anyway, the place that we hanged out was cozy and definitely have the ambience there. So, go check it out that place. Though the tables are abit high for such low sofas, but still the place is very very nice.

Still walking around after the coffee break. After that, I went back home and wanted to take a look at Ipanema sandals at JP. No discounts for the one I intended to have. $19.90 for the normal ones. Still decided that go back Malaysia and hoping for some discounts there. haha...

And for today, lazy Sunday. Lazing around at home :p

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Gotta Be Somebody

Gotta Be Somebody by Nickelback

This time I wonder what it feels like
To find the one in this life
The one we all dream of
But dreams just aren't enough
So I´ll be waiting for the real thing.
I'll know it by the feeling.
The moment when we´re meeting
Will play out like a scene straight off the silver screen
So I'll be holdin’ my breath
Right up to the end
Until that moment when I find the one that I'll spend forever with

'Cause nobody wants to be the last one there.
'Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares.
Someone to love with my life in their hands.
There's gotta be somebody for me like that.
'Cause nobody wants to go it on their own
And everyone wants to know they're not alone.
Somebody else that feels the same somewhere.
There's gotta be somebody for me out there.

Tonight out on the street out in the moonlight
And damn it this feels too right
It's just like Déjà Vu
Me standin’ here with you
So I'll be holdin' my breath
Could this be the end?
Is it that moment when I find the one that I spend forever with?

'Cause nobody wants to be the last one there
'Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares.
Someone to love with my life in their hands.
There's gotta be somebody for me like that.
'Cause nobody wants to go it on their own
And everyone wants to know they're not alone.
Somebody else that feels the same somewhere?
There's gotta be somebody for me out there.

You can't give up!
When you're Lookin' for a diamond in the rough
Because you never know when it shows up
Make sure you´re holdin' on
'Cause it could be the one, the one you´re waiting on

'Cause nobody wants to be the last one there.
And everyone wants to feel like someone cares.
Someone to love with my life in their hands.
There has gotta be somebody for me

There's gotta be a somebody out there for me. I do believe it.

But for now, starting to feel hurt after what had happened. Pretending nothing has happened and faking it was totally not my style. I think it's better leave it like that and never gonna talk about it with anyone is better for me. 'Cause yesterday I mentioned it to my friend and she was very concerned about how I was feeling. And the more she asked, the more I wanted to say I'm okay, the more I'm feeling hurt inside.

So it's better to leave it at rest and until my heart is healed, only will I be able standing up and go looking for that somebody out there for myself. Though like the song mentioned, it will be as hard as finding a diamond in the rough, I still believe in finding that diamond. But it's just that for now, totally loathe men and how they treated women.

Watched Tyra Bank's show last night and talking about dating and relationship. Men are just wimps (sorry to guys readers, this is just my point of view at this moment, 'cause i really hate men dealing with relationship). Maybe not all men, but there's certainly quite a lot of wimps out there. It's like men can do two-timings, can't say how much they liked a girl, think about sex all the time and worst, can't face upfront with the gal when they wanna break up. It's just totally a coward act to do that.

Okay, I might be abit biased after what has happened to me. But really, if you don't like the gal, just tell her straight that you wanna discontinue the relationship. Please don't give the excuse that you don't wanna hurt the girl etc. It's all bullshit! In the end, made the girls to dump them. And telling people how poor thing you are. Cowards! That's why men always get dumped by their girlfriends. And still saying that girls are bad, treating badly to those "good guys". Cis!

Maybe I don't understand men. But I do understand women. What women want is very simple. Just like what the song lyrics said. Somebody who make us feel we were cared for, not alone and someone that loves us back like how we love them. It's just purely that simple. It's not that complicated at all.

Well, just some of my rantings. 'Cause I just can't get over what has happened to me and pretend that nothing has ever happened to me. I just felt that I was being fooled around. But who to blame but myself? For falling for this guy. Just felt that I've fallen into a deep valley and now struggling to climb back to where I came from. But I shall be tough and will stand up soon!

You shall wait and see... hehe

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Who Am I?

Hmm... This question has been bugging me today...

Who am I?

Well, it's just like in the movies whereby the person had an amnesia after an accident and lost their memory and started asking, "Who am I? Where am I? Who are you?"

I am now in this kind of situation.

For the past 5 years, it's been like a journey to me. Coming to Sg alone to study, away from family. Met a pretty nice guy, and then left him. Met another guy, and then left him.

Of course, along the journey, met a lot of good friends who cared for me. Really appreciate when they really concerned about me.

But thinking back, throughout these years, what am I?

I used to think myself as a very good tempered person, very patient, considerate, nice and kind.

But am I really that person?

I used to give the disbelief expression to my mum when she said that I've changed. I told her that I'm still the good old mink as last time during my form-six time. But I guess now I have to admit that I have totally changed. I have become a bad-tempered person, very impatient person. And a very defensive person also. My ex-bf said that too that I've changed compared to when he first know me.

Why did I change? How did I become like this? Was it because during these 5 years that have happened to me, I changed to a person like this?

I wanted to grow tough, but yet I get hot-tempered. I do not like this idea. I just want my old self back. A good-tempered person. I should start reflecting upon myself everyday. To not get angry and bad-tempered. To be nice to everybody. Not to be an over-defensive person. To try not to hurt the people around me. To be patient. To be my old self!

Gambate, mink! Find your old path!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Weekend Shopping Spree

*wink wink* hehe...

Spent my weekend on shopping spree with mom and sis...
Finally got something that I was looking for my birthday present...
Bought 2 pairs of earrings, 2 pairs of jeans, one T-shirt and one pair of shorts...
Thanks sis for the jeans as my birthday present :)
Well, strike off some of my birthday wishlist...

And now, gotta save a little bit because this month overspend a little already...
Will be going back home often lately and need to save some money for my best friends' wedding...

Hmm.. speaking of shopping, we saw an old man who was like 70 years old, limping while walking, with 2 young chinese ladies, probably in their 30s. The two ladies were busy choosing their shopping stuff while the old man tagged along with them from behind and helped them to pay at the cashier counter. I just pity that old man. Why would he fell into this situation? It's like a trap to him and yet he fall for it. Imagine that he had his own family wife and children at home waiting for him or his family situation is not that well-off... but he spend his money on these chinese girls and not his family. Just pathetic. And furthermore, these chinese girls just wanted his $$. But then, couldn't blame them, could we? This is what called as “你情我愿”or "give and take".

I just felt that sometimes people can be quite stupid, okay stupid is quite a strong word. People can be quite blind and obsessed with what they are into. That's why we don't act rationally sometimes. There's always feelings inside people that they act irrationally. "Go with your heart" saying is a definite no. Although sometimes the advice is like that. But I think we must always go with your brains and act with your wisdom. In the end, there will be fruitful result once you acted with your wisdom.

Let's work hard in attaining our own wisdom and not be blinded by your heart. Of course not blacken your heart. If not you will become a heartless person. haha

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


this morning heard this over the radio.
the question that the deejay gave was this:
the infamous building in Singapore, Esplanade on the bay was designed based on what structure?
well, many locals would say that it was based on durian. coz it really looked like a durian shell opened into half. and they called the Esplanade as "the Durian"!
but no, the answer was incorrect.
some also answered that it was based on fly's eye. also looked like one. but nope. not the right answer.
the correct answer was MICROPHONE!
haha.. i couldn't guess it either.
but the design based on microphone sounds more appropriate for the concert hall. after all, it was an art and music place. and it really does look like a microphone structure, except without the stand or the handle.
and i have searched over the internet and there was a pdf file talking about the structure and the design of the building.
the spikes of the building was based on the geometry of the siever. cool. architects had this idea of geometry as well.
and the material that they used had some energy efficient material. bla bla bla... and they have applied some civil engineering technical stuff to support the building. bla bla bla.
well couldn't read all coz it's quite long.
the points is, amazingly not everybody know what the structure was based on. many really thought it was based on durian, since durian is the king of fruits. when i first saw the building, my senior introduced to me as "the durian" also. so, can't blame the locals for not knowing it. :p

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


It was officially over.
Somehow I felt relieved. It's like a burden taken down from my shoulder.
I shall learn this lesson well.
Moral of the lesson: Never trust a person with all your heart. People can be very fake, things that they say were never out from their heart.
Well, it's over and done with. Just remember this very important lesson and treasure what you have now.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Crescent Moon & Starlight

Ooh... last night while walking back to my house from JP, first time I saw moon and star hanging in the sky side by side. It was a crescent moon facing upwards instead of facing the side. And the star was right beside it (quite some distance from the moon actually). Something like the Malaysian flag, though without the 14 points. But the star was shining brightly. Or maybe I saw wrongly, it wasn't a star but a starship. haha..

Anyway, it was quite a view in the sky. But I couldn't take pictures of it, my camera have lousy specs. It was really a spectacular night :)