Thursday, July 21, 2011

how emotions affect the body

A while ago, I was feeling quite in a good mood and start to get hungry...
But then something upsets me...
and now I'm not hungry at all...
Seriously, I have to practice right mindfulness... not letting emotions to affect my mind, soul and body...

Friday, July 15, 2011

dedication to bobo

Bobo is my house pet. And a goosey. The biggest one among all 4 gooseys. We got him when I was 18. At that time, he was a little duckling. Cute one too. Always respond to us whenever we call out his name. He gotten sick when he was two years old. And I still remb we took him to the vet.
He was traumatized by the dogs which came n disturb him recently. When we were not around. Bloody dogs. I hate dogs!
Today my mom found out he passed away already. Dad buried him at the backyard.
To bobo, always my favorite pet. May u rest in peace and be happy in next life.
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