Friday, May 8, 2009

i'll be good

just wanna share something that I heard from dhamma talk.
How do you differentiate between good and bad?
Good or bad is based on your own self judgement. Not listening to somebody about what they think is good or bad.
Good is those won't harm yourself and other people.
Bad is those harm yourself and other people.
In whatever situation that needed a decision, a good or bad decision, you have to think whether
  1. is it out of selfish act?
  2. is it out of ill will?
  3. is it out of stupidity?
  4. is it out of fear?
if any of the answer is a yes, then it is bad. and all have to based on the whole situation and judgement.
so, here's hoping everyone to be good.
i'll be good, with no stupidity, i guess.

more stories that i heard from the talk actually. yawnz... share it next time la. nite nite

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