Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I Love You Mummy & Daddy!

hmm... just wondering how many of u guys and gals say "I love you mum dad." ?
it's such interesting that since we are already in adulthood, we don't say those 3 letter words to mummy and daddy anymore like we used to when we were kids. maybe just happens in the asian culture.
even simple loving gestures like holding mum's hand, hugging her, or even kiss on the cheeks? never do that anymore?
i was utterly in disbelief that my friend told me that he don't even say out loud happy birthday to his mum, just give her a text msg. -.-''
ok lah...saying I love you is abit too much maybe... haha... even i won't say that also... for me, i'm a more action and gesture than words type of person. won't say those 3 letter words... still can remember my ex-bf keep forcing me to say those words when i don't even feel like to. gets frustrating also when u are forced to say those words also. felt like it's pretty meaningless by just saying out loud...
but then, i have always loved my mum and dad...i would give them birthday kiss, give mum hugs and kisses whenever i leave home, hold mum's hand a lot to show how much i missed her. ok, gesture towards dad was practically zero. i also dunno why, it has been reduced to zero since i was in puberty le... haha... maybe is 男女授受不亲?
all i wanna say is that our parents are getting older and older and one day will leave us. If only we could do something to show our concern, show how much we love them... i think they would have love that too! so start showing your love towards ur parents from now on! hehe

杨千桦 - 可惜我是水瓶座

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