Sunday, November 16, 2008

Saturday Hang Out @ The Central

Spent the whole saturday afternoon at Clarke Quay The Central.

Met my usual buddies for lunch there. One of the buddies recommended the expensive Japanese ramen, which was really like Maggi Mee. Haha. But the taste was not bad, the soup was thick with lots of ingredient mixed to get the taste. I tried Aka Ramen which they stated have 7 nuts mixture in the soup. But it was really expensive for a bowl of noodles. It costs $15 for a bowl.

After the lunch, we went for shopping there. One of the buddies had costume party that evening and looking for some accessories. The shops there doesn't seem to have lots of business, especially when it was a saturday. And some of the shops were not fully occupied as well. It's like last time Berjaya Times Square shopping mall in KL. Anyway, most of us bought something for ourselves. Hehe... I bought a few pairs of earrings, dangling ones. It was cheap, $1.60 per pair. Bought in bulks are cheaper, especially sharing with friends.

After that, we hang out at TCC for some coffee break. Had Oreo Mocha Frappe (can't remember the full name, but the name definitely starts with Oreo and ends with Frappe. haha) with vanilla ice-cream topping. Shared a few cakes with friends. Marble cheesecake was my favorite. We also ordered Devil's Chocolate and Green Tea cake. Had some talk with friends 'coz they curious about the drama that happened to me lately. Anyway, the place that we hanged out was cozy and definitely have the ambience there. So, go check it out that place. Though the tables are abit high for such low sofas, but still the place is very very nice.

Still walking around after the coffee break. After that, I went back home and wanted to take a look at Ipanema sandals at JP. No discounts for the one I intended to have. $19.90 for the normal ones. Still decided that go back Malaysia and hoping for some discounts there. haha...

And for today, lazy Sunday. Lazing around at home :p

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